All official press releases by the SRST Admin, Council, and programs. Updates to guidelines, policies, and news of Standing Rock.

See sub categories for a focused issues or application releases.

Tribal Roads State of Emergency 7/9/2024

July 9, 2024
WHEREAS, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairwoman, Janet Alkire, and the Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Council, pursuant to the amended Constitution of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Article IV, Section 1(c), is empowered to promote and protect the health, education, and general welfare of the members of the Tribe, and to administer charity and such other services as may contribute to the social and economic advancement of the Tribe and its members, and

WHEREAS, the public safety hazard regarding the dangerous tribal road conditions throughout the Standing Rock Reservation which affects the residents and motorists, caused by the heavy rain conditions throughout the months of June and July 2024, and

WHEREAS, the Tribal Roads funding for Tribal Roads maintenance and repair efforts is significantly deficient and does not provide adequate funding for routine maintenance and repair, and

WHEREAS, the environmental conditions have contributed to serious deterioration of the entire tribal roads infrastructure causing dangerous driving conditions this Spring and Summer, and

WHEREAS, the potential exists for major accidents that may threaten the safety and well-being of all vehicular passengers to both Tribal programs, BIA Law Enforcement, residents, and visitors on the Standing Rock Reservation which may result in the loss of life, as well as significant damage to the vehicular modes of transportation, and

WHEREAS, the ability to respond to medical emergencies is inhibited and poses threats to all Emergency Responders on the Standing Rock Reservation, and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Janet Alkire, Chairwoman of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, request cooperation with the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Tribal Roads and Transportation Departments, and do hereby declare a State of Emergency on this date, July 9, 2024 to commence immediately until at such time the dangerous road conditions improve.
Janet Alkire, Chairwoman
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
John Pretty Bear Cannonball District
Sid Bailey, Jr. Long Soldier District
Nola Taken Alive
Frank Jamerson Susan Agard
Charles Walker
Jeff Cadotte, Sr. Wakpala District
Vice Chairman Secretary
Cyril Archambault
Delray Demery Kenel District
Stephanie Yellow Hammer
Joe White Mountain Jr. Bear Soldier District
Alice Bird Horse
Paul Archambault Rock Creek District
Truth ╬ Compassion
Richard Long Feather
Jessica R. Porras Running Antelope District
Remember Who We Are
Wilberta Red Tomahawk Porcupine District

Lakota Avengers

Historic Milestone: First Lakota-Dubbed Movie Released on Disney Plus

June 14th, 2024 – Lakota Country

In a groundbreaking moment for the Lakota community, the first-ever movie dubbed in Lakota has made its debut on Disney Plus. The Lakota Language Reclamation Project, in collaboration with Grey Willow Studios, members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, and renowned actors Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth, and Jeremy Renner, proudly presents “The Avengers” in Lakota. This momentous achievement, achieved in partnership with Disney and Marvel, marks a significant step in the preservation and promotion of Lakota language and culture.

We invite all Lakota people and indigenous communities worldwide to join us this historic event by experiencing the magic of “The Avengers” in the Lakota/Dakota language from the comfort of your homes. Let us come together to celebrate and embrace this cultural milestone.

3/22/2024 Janet Alkire Press Release

03/22/2024 Press Release

Press Release – For Immediate Release

March 22, 2024

By Janet Alkire, Chairwoman

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe


Governor Kristi Noem’s wild and irresponsible attempt to connect tribal leaders and parents with Mexican drug cartels is a sad reflection of her fear based politics that do nothing to bring people together to solve problems.  Rather than make uninformed and unsubstantiated claims, Noem should work with tribal leaders to increase funding and resources for tribal law enforcement and education.


On the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, seven police officers patrol an area the size of two small states and serve a community of more than 12,000 tribal members and residents, needing at least 20 more officers to be fully staffed.  At current staffing levels only one or two officers patrol at any given time. The United States agreed to provide law enforcement and other services in the treaties that were negotiated.  In those treaties our tribal leaders ceded vast lands and resources, in exchange for peace, but the United States is failing to live up to its end of the deal.  Our treaties are the law of the land and must be fulfilled.


Noem says that we should be more like the founding fathers of the United States and learn from their example, but then she ignores the very treaties, laws, and Constitution that the founding fathers wrote and negotiated. Without our treaties and model governments the Constitution, the United States, and South Dakota would not exist.  The United States is built on the riches provided by Indian tribes. Even worse, Noem made her comments during a speech on education where South Dakota and the Federal government are failing tribal youth. More than 92 percent of tribal youth are educated in state public schools and almost all of our youth are educated according to state standards, many of which do not accurately or respectfully include tribal perspectives or priorities. Furthermore, the Oceti Sakowin Essential Understandings and Standards are not required despite being available for use since 2012.


How can young people in schools, albeit Native or Non-native, learn accurate history, culture, language, and values of tribal nations in South Dakota, which ultimately generate millions of dollars in economic revenue for the State, if they are not supported by the state education administration?  All too often, state education policies and practices undermine the confidence and creativity of tribal youth. At a minimum, South Dakota should follow the lead of North Dakota and pass a law like SB 2304 enacted in 2021 that requires North Dakota public and nonpublic schools to teach Native American history. This is a good start, and much more is needed. Education of our youth must include tribal values and priorities.


Our youth are beautiful and smart. They are born with the blood of our ancestors and possess the strength and courage to change the world. Diversity and creativity are the keys to all of our survival. We need their youthful wisdom now more than ever. State public schools should honor this diversity and recognize the value of tribal histories and cultures. Our schools should provide a safe learning environment where all of our youth can learn together to solve the problems we will all face together.


Because of the treaties signed between tribes and the Federal government, both they and the state are responsible for supporting acceptable education of our tribal youth. The passage of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act in 1975 and more recently the Tribally Controlled Schools Act of 1988 have not adequately addressed the encroachment of state schools and standards into the lives of tribal youth or the ability for tribes to control and direct their own educational systems. Instead of funding tribal schools, the Federal government sends our funding for the education of tribal youth to state schools. The Federal government’s own actions are undermining federal Indian education.


Noem should be working like the founding fathers to uphold the laws of the land and provide the funding negotiated in treaties needed to support high quality law enforcement and education for all our youth, in both tribal and public schools. Rather than embrace Noem’s politics of fear, we call on her to end her attempts to slander tribal leaders and parents. Noem should embrace the politics of truth and compassion. We remember who we are every day, and this is why we are a people rich in culture and history. Change the villainous media tactics to resolution-based messages, Governor Noem. Work with us and not against us.


Contact the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe at 701-854-8500 or email  for questions.


Covid-19 Snapshot update Feb. 14th – 18th

Hau Mitakuyapi!

This is the current Snapshot from our Tribal Health Administration and from Fort Yates IHS!

Please remember to utilize your mask, and practice social distancing.
Pilamiya yelo~
Below are the current snap shots for the week of Feb. 14th – Feb. 18th

Feb. 14th

Feb. 15th

Feb. 16th

Feb. 17th

None Available at this time. Apologies!

Feb. 18th

Covid-19 Snapshot Update Feb. 7th – Feb. 11th

Hau Mitakuyapi!

This is the current Snapshot from our Tribal Health Administration and from Fort Yates IHS!

Please remember to utilize your mask, and practice social distancing.
Pilamiya yelo~
Below are the current snap shots for the week of Feb. 7th – Feb. 11th

Feb. 7th

Feb. 8th

None Available




Feb. 9th

Feb. 10, 2022


Feb. 11th, 2022


Covid-19 Snapshot Update Jan 31st. – Feb 4th.

Hau Mitakuyapi!

This is the current Snapshot from our Tribal Health Administration and from Fort Yates IHS!

Please remember to utilize your mask, and practice social distancing.
Pilamiya yelo~
Below are the current snap shots for the week of Jan. 31st – Feb 4th

Feb. 4th, 2022

Feb. 3rd, 2022

Feb. 2nd, 2022

Feb. 1st, 2022

Jan. 31st 2022

SRST Prevention Practices!

Late Start January 14, 2022